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How to Tame Flyaways

How to Tame Flyaways
Josie Wilkins
Writer and expert2 years ago
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After a salon refresh, the hair tends to fall effortlessly into place. All going well, the result is smooth strands that bounce with every step, yet still manage to stay impeccably styled. However, when the good hair day has come to an end, this salon gloss can be particularly difficult to maintain with flyaway hairs to tame. Often times, no matter how frequently the hairs are patted down or coated in hairspray, the efforts made to tame flyaways are done in vain. So what are they and how can they be rid of sans-salon?

Here's Christophe Robin's guide on how to tame flyaways.

woman with long black silky hair

What causes flyaway hair?

Firstly, what causes flyaway hair to begin with?

There are plenty of factors that can cause flyaway hair, but the primary one is damage. Damage, whether it has occurred from heat or chemicals, often reveals itself in the form of unruly strands. It can be a key sign that the hair's health needs restoring and rehydrating. The other causes of flyaway hair include high humidity levels, friction, and buildup.

Humidity means that there is water vapour in the air. Therefore, when the hair strands are dehydrated, the water molecules enter the hair strand and bind to the proteins inside. This leads the hair to take on a different shape than usual, resulting in flyaways and different textures. Healthy, hydrated hair, however, is less affected by humidity.

Moving on to friction, which is often caused by rough towels and neglecting the hair of gentle care. Rubbing the hair in the opposite direction of growth with a towel can ruffle up the cuticles along the hair and increase staticity.

Finally, product buildup is the culprit for many hair woes, including being one of the causes of flyaway hair. When the hairs cuticles are filled with product, it can weigh the entire head of hair down and prevent that smooth, clean feeling and appearance.

Therefore, flyaway hairs can unfortunately occur to any sort of hair type. Having said this, although external factors such as the weather remain out of the realm of control, there are plenty of ways how to tame flyaways and prevent them from venturing away from where they've been styled.

How to stop flyaway hair

To stop flyaway hair there are a few simple yet effective steps that can be taken.

hair drying tip
  1. Add moisture to the haircare routine. The hair should be hydrated, especially in humid conditions. If the hair has enough moisture within, there's simply no room for it to absorb any extra from the external water vapour in the air.
  2. The second step is to avoid friction as much as possible. Replace harsh cotton towels with soft micro-fibre ones and instead of rubbing the hair dry, try the heatless drying method, plopping.
  3. Give the hair a break from heat styling and if the blow-dryer is non-negotiable, use a heat protecting elixir beforehand both to stop flyaway hair and protect from damage.
  4. Seal the cuticles of the hair for a smoother finish. This can be done in two ways: rinse shampoo and conditioner with cold water and if blow-drying, point the nozzle of the hair-dryer downwards for a smooth, glossy effect.
  5. The final step how to stop flyaway hair is to cleanse the hair of buildup. Use a weekly detoxifying pre-wash treatment to draw out impurities from the hair cuticles.

What are the best products for flyaways?

Although there are temporary solutions to seal hairs into place, they often come undone as the day progresses. The most effective way how to tame flyaways is to truly take care of your hair and your haircare routine. The best products for flyaways are ones that hydrate, cleanse, and protect.

To hydrate, try a complete ritual to offer your hair a shot of moisture such as the Christophe Robin Hydrating Regimen. This trio of the best products for flyaways work in tandem to offer luxurious haircare that provides post-salon gloss and luminosity. The shampoo helps to restore the appearance of dry, dull hair as it gently cleanses. The mask melts beautifully into hair, helping to enhance shine and reduce frizz. Finally, the leave-in mist is ideal for refreshing your look in between washes, helping to detangle and illuminate hair.

To cleanse, add a weekly Purifying Mask with Thermal Mud. This detoxifying pre-wash is a revitalising, purifying treatment to help draw out the build-up of impurities and pollution so the scalp is left feeling comfortable, roots freshened and hair soft, manageable and healthy-looking.

Finally, to protect, always use a heat protecting elixir. The Christophe Robin Regenerating Serum with Prickly Pear Oil is one of the best products for flyaways as it works to enhance shine while protecting hair from artificial heat up to 230°C. Whilst protecting, it also helps to improve the appearance of split-ends and frizz.

Flyaways are unfortunately a part of haircare life. With a mind of their own, they can often counteract the effort that has been put into a look. For that hair that appears to sheen effortlessly, effort is required to be put into a haircare routine. Following that, with the addition of some simple tips such as closing the cuticle and heat-free styling, a post-salon look within the comforts of your own home is entirely achievable.

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Josie Wilkins
Writer and expert
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Josie is an Online Beauty Editor with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism. Her passions involve all things skincare and beauty and in her free time she likes to travel, read and get her beauty sleep.